Not a man or a goth

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Boxed by Rowen/Maiziemama

Mum took the camera so I used my phone. Slightly blurry; it's NOT your eyes.

This arrived at Chris' house last month, and I got it from him last week but didn't put photos up =/

Made by Rowen from handspun (she spun it herself, I think). I love the colours.

Squee, pink yarn! Claudia's Handpaints in Pink Posey. I can't wait to use this. I've never tried Claudia's before.

Pu'er tea. Haven't tried this before either. This is the sort of thing I'd expect customs to take, but they didn't! Maybe because it was at the bottom...?

We were really impressed by the way Rowen managed to fit everything in the box! We couldn't manage to put it all back the right way. It had been opened by customs and they crammed some pamphlets inside, but it seems that they didn't take anything out.

Also in the box, but not pictured here, were:

  • Knit Klips (which are awesome, and a lot faster than basting)
  • Clover Chibi needles (I like how there are different eye sizes in the one tube)
  • Wasabi peas (Chris ate most of these. Some of them were really HOT. They made him tear up a little)
  • Various candy bars (which I ate without help from anyone).
  • Cookie A's Gothic Spire

    Here's the non-blurry but slightly dark (it was night) photo that Chris sent me, when I was in England:

    For anyone who wants to know what happened on the rest of my trip, we went to the country. It was cold and boring and I finished HP7 in 6 hours. We stopped over at Korea on the way back, and Mum had a massive row with people at the airport. We would have totally been on Border Security if it had happened here.

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