The Happiest Girl in the World

Here we have whole PACKS of Rowan Cotton Glace (Passion), Rowan 4 Ply Soft (Buzz) and Rowan Cork (Mushroom). Aaaand, I've already picked out patterns to go with them. In fact, I did a whole sleeve for the Cork last night. It was 14 sts/10 cms though, so it's not like I spent the whole night doing it.

Rowan Classic Cafe, Jaeger 24 and the Cork Book. I'm doing Kathy with the Mushroom. At first I was excited about Rowan having patterns in XS, until I noticed XS is a 32 inch bust. So it seems I'm an XXS, for which there are no patterns. So anyway, I did a bit of resizing. I don't care if it's meant to be loose-fitting. No one needs 10 inches of ease in a ribbed garment. Couldn't really get gauge either. I think I had something like 13 sts/10 cms instead of 14. Recommended gauge is always too loose with Rowan yarns. But meh, I can deal with it.
I was thinking about Phantom of the Opera the Musical the Movie. I wish they'd done it with Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman. The Phantom wasn't nearly old or ugly enough, and I was really disappointed. Michael Crawford was GROTESQUE, and you could tell even though he had the mask on. His bottom lip was all fat and red, like a lopsided clown's. This new Phantom guy, he wasn't that bad looking really.
On a sad note, I quit guitar today. I still have another 2 weeks worth of bond money to use up, so we're going to learn some popular pieces. Oh man, that's freaky. Anyway, I cried all the way home until Mum said "You're going to look really ugly tomorrow." I still feel sad though. I think I need to go roll in my mountain of Rowan.
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