* You signed up on August 17, 2007
* You are #26504 on the list.
* 11 people are ahead of you in line.
* 15684 people are behind you in line.
* 60% of the list has been invited so far
So close! I'm at the doors of Ravelry with my nose pressed against the glass. Looking at all the wonderful people having their knitting party.
I'll have my invite by the time I wake up tomorrow :)
* You are #26504 on the list.
* 11 people are ahead of you in line.
* 15684 people are behind you in line.
* 60% of the list has been invited so far
So close! I'm at the doors of Ravelry with my nose pressed against the glass. Looking at all the wonderful people having their knitting party.
I'll have my invite by the time I wake up tomorrow :)