"...people just write about how depressed they are, and people tell them they should be and would be better off killing themselves."
--Jules on blogs
Haha, I think that's excellent :D
Just had to share.
--Jules on blogs
Haha, I think that's excellent :D
Just had to share.
Is this Jules ... as in our Julia? Advocating suicide?!
I laughed when I read that because I can't read Whining or Fobtalk in blogs. Let the poor things write. As long as they don't force it onto others :)
Donna, at 9:49 am, October 25, 2005
Yes, our Julia :D
quaffy, at 11:54 pm, October 25, 2005
When did she say that? :O
Was she advocating suicide or just making an observation?
Anonymous, at 5:53 pm, December 14, 2005
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