Not a man or a goth

Friday, October 21, 2005


Stupid slow internet is preventing me from uploading a photo of my Oktoberfest temp tatt. Anyway...

I had a great time at Oktoberfest with Spa last night. It would've been much better if other people had come, but I only decided to go the day before and Soph only decided to go at 12 pee em Thursday, so there wasn't much notice. I suppose everyone was busy with study too. I rushed my philosophy essay on Weds night (finished at 3 ay em) so that I could give it in on Thurs afternoon.

I'm glad we went, because I met a lot of new people. (And now Mum doesn't have to hear me complain about not going anywhere)

What did we do, you ask? A bit of drinking, a bit of dancing. I distinctly remember that everything seemed so funny and that I was in a really good mood.

I got free (male) underwear, XL, that says "Dare Coffee Shots" on the back. On the front is a pic of a coffee bean, smack on the crotch. Above the bean are large letters proclaiming "KEEPS YOU UP." I don't know what to do with them yet.

Today is William's birthday! As I never seem to age, and he is ageing rapidly, eventually we will be twins :D That's going to be awesome.

Why didn't I know about this? :(
leana says:
have i whinged about mrs knott to u about the whole indo thing?

BBQ [Mr Shine. Him Diamond] says:
not yet...?

leana says:
she's gotten rid of indo completely

leana says:
and mrs stocker isn't returning

leana says:
something about maternity leave and too much of a hassle and real difficulty finding another indo teacher

leana says:
stupid woman!

BBQ [Mr Shine. Him Diamond] says:
what a moron

BBQ [Mr Shine. Him Diamond] says:
let's write her an angry letter

BBQ [Mr Shine. Him Diamond] says:
in indonesian

leana says:

I hate Mrs Snott. The school's going down the flusher. I hope she didn't cancel Indo because we did crap in the HSC. Bad Quaffy, bad! *Slaps self silly* When I go to Speech Day at the end of the year, I'm going to give her a dirty look.


  • I had a good time too.

    Brewin is so funny.. tee hee.

    You liar, you know _exactly_ what you're going to do with those panties. How weird was that guy David?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:48 pm, October 22, 2005  

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