Not a man or a goth

Thursday, October 27, 2005

(edited 1/11)

Got Halloween treats from my SP!

The ghosty Lindts remind me of ghosty Coco Pops. I wish they still made those.

I was digging through my closet last night, trying to find something suitable for a Halloween costume, when I came across the most tragic outfit ever. It was a pants-top set, vaguely leopard print. I don't know where they came from, but I hope that whoever gave them to me meant them to be PJs. The elastic around the waist is insanely tight. I think it's about 20 inches unstretched. It's that sort of very thick elastic that cuts into the waist and creates attractive bulges everywhere (that's sarcasm).

(put tragic photo here)

I think it'd be really great with a pair of ears and a tail.

You are so sexy. I think I love you


  • I've seen a Neeon in real life... and it's not that great... a Nano on the other hand... MmMmMmm.... pencil thin :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:20 pm, October 27, 2005  

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