Once upon a time there were two brothers, called Night and Day. Like all brothers, they were rivals.
Both of them liked to tinker. They went around making things. Day made people. Night liked to go around stomping on Day's creations. This is why people are afraid of the dark.
Night made possums. This is why people invented roadkill.
Both Night and Day wanted their armies of death to smite their estranged sibling's creations. But they were too ... uh... tired to make any more creatures, so they decided to modify the existing animals, giving them teeth, claws, and opposable thumbs. The simpler organisms, eg dinosaurs, were used as pawns which is why they no longer exist.
--Excerpt from Spiteful Red, in which Spa and Lra decide science is full of bs and try to invent their own.
Both of them liked to tinker. They went around making things. Day made people. Night liked to go around stomping on Day's creations. This is why people are afraid of the dark.
Night made possums. This is why people invented roadkill.
Both Night and Day wanted their armies of death to smite their estranged sibling's creations. But they were too ... uh... tired to make any more creatures, so they decided to modify the existing animals, giving them teeth, claws, and opposable thumbs. The simpler organisms, eg dinosaurs, were used as pawns which is why they no longer exist.
--Excerpt from Spiteful Red, in which Spa and Lra decide science is full of bs and try to invent their own.
Lol! Science with Mr Seed was a great! Although I was on the usually mellower and normally pretending to work table....
Oh to be young again!
In other news, look who decided to create a blog instead of studying.
Kylie, at 7:06 pm, November 07, 2005
I know this isn't strictly on topic but I love what you've done with the birds and hand-drawn swirly post breaks. Thumbs up :)
Donna, at 9:30 am, November 09, 2005
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