One down, four to go (years at uni)
How this year differs from last year.
I miss doodling in Bitchy Green, Spiteful Red, Faithful Black et alii. I miss crosswords in the quad, coffee at GJs, visits to the vending machine, and even the stupid Sock Blenders.
I miss staying up all night at sleepovers and not knowing what day it was anymore. Playing Taboo until we went all the way around and the cards started repeating. Trying to play Ker-plunk quietly so as not to wake Ky's parents. Being impressed by Johanna's cheesecake, her mum's chicken and her dad's pancakes.
See how nostalgic I am?
(end of list)
Had a nasty experience on the train today. I freaked out at first, but settled down after talking to Brewin. He is awesome. If you want to know what happened, ask me in private. Jus' so randoms don't read my blog and snigger at me.
scares me that i'm one down, TWO years to go! i'll probably do honours in something just so that i won't have to join the real world for another year...
Anonymous, at 10:08 am, November 03, 2005
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