You know you're in Malaysia when...
1. You see two cats eating a dead snake at the side of the road.
2. Nobody wears seatbelts.
3. When stray cats sit under your table at the restaurant... you feed them.
4. A whole day's worth of food, including drinks and snacks, costs about $5. Love the exchange rate.
5. Every second shop is a shoe shop.
6. All the meals are Laura-sized.
7. People get time off work/school for Chinese New Year.
8. You can live in a golf course, and people don't think that's weird.
9. Piracy is the norm.
10. No one buys anything at full price. Wait two weeks for a sale, or bargain, dudette.
I am insanely happy! Last night I got a suitcase worth of clothes from my aunt, who warned me not to pack a lot. So because my suitcase was half empty, we put a 20 kg box of kilos in it. And because it was my suitcase, I had to carry it :/ Bitter, me? Naturally.
I have photos to upload, but I left the camera at my other uncle's house (the golf course one).
This computer is weird, and everything on the Blogger site is showing up as a series of unintelligible squares. I hope the blue square means "publish now."
Edit: I don't think it did.
2. Nobody wears seatbelts.
3. When stray cats sit under your table at the restaurant... you feed them.
4. A whole day's worth of food, including drinks and snacks, costs about $5. Love the exchange rate.
5. Every second shop is a shoe shop.
6. All the meals are Laura-sized.
7. People get time off work/school for Chinese New Year.
8. You can live in a golf course, and people don't think that's weird.
9. Piracy is the norm.
10. No one buys anything at full price. Wait two weeks for a
I am insanely happy! Last night I got a suitcase worth of clothes from my aunt, who warned me not to pack a lot. So because my suitcase was half empty, we put a 20 kg box of kilos in it. And because it was my suitcase, I had to carry it :/ Bitter, me? Naturally.
I have photos to upload, but I left the camera at my other uncle's house (the golf course one).
This computer is weird, and everything on the Blogger site is showing up as a series of unintelligible squares. I hope the blue square means "publish now."
Edit: I don't think it did.
Heya dudette :)
Glad to see that you made it over there in one piece. By "20 kg box of kilos in it" did you mean a 20kg box of mangoes.
Anyway, on the day that you left, i was really sick (I seem to have contracted one of those nasty cold/flu viruses that take a while to shake off), so i forgot to send you a farewell message. Sorry! :(
Anonymous, at 11:41 am, January 21, 2006
"4. A whole day's worth of food, including drinks and snacks, costs about $5."
Now that is nice.
If the "kilos" was indeed mangoes, then does your suitcase and subsequently all the clothes IN your suitcase now smell of mangoes? Are Australian mangoes really all that different from mangoes in say...Malaysia?
I'm also one of the inconsiderate few (sorry Lra!) who didn't message you before you left. Guess it's a bit late now eh?
In other news, I'm back to blogging again :D
Kylie, at 12:50 am, January 24, 2006
What exactly is a "Laura-sized" meal?
Yay cats!
roxy =^o^=, at 4:08 pm, January 24, 2006
Nobody sent me a goodbye message, but I wasn't fussed about it until now. *sulks*
quaffy, at 5:59 pm, January 25, 2006
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