Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
My grandmother died but I don't really want to write about it on the blog.
Anyway, I'm really hot and bored right now. I'm waiting to pick up my philsophy essay. I never picked up the receipt for that, so now I'm worried that they've thrown it away just to spite me. "We don't have any record of you handing it in. Do you have your receipt?" Huh. How dare they have lunch when I want to go home :/
"He found her breast." It's incredibly uncomfortable to sneak a glance at what the person next to you is reading and to discover that it's smutty. From now on, I'm going to nap on the train instead of looking at people.
Anyway, I'm really hot and bored right now. I'm waiting to pick up my philsophy essay. I never picked up the receipt for that, so now I'm worried that they've thrown it away just to spite me. "We don't have any record of you handing it in. Do you have your receipt?" Huh. How dare they have lunch when I want to go home :/
"He found her breast." It's incredibly uncomfortable to sneak a glance at what the person next to you is reading and to discover that it's smutty. From now on, I'm going to nap on the train instead of looking at people.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
100 things about me
This is to help out my Ess Pee (or is it narcissism?). I'm still slightly paranoid about someone stalking me through my blog, but I'll risk it.
1. I knit more than I sleep.
2. I was born in Australia...
3. ... but go to M'sia all the time.
4. If you add up all the time my family's spent there, it's more than a year.
5. I've also been to Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Hong Kong (before it was China), the You Ess (Ell Ay, Vegas, Lake Tahoe), New Zealand, and around Australia (lots of EXCITING! places like Tasmania and Dubbo ;> )
6. I'm growing my hair for Locks of Love. Done!
7. I went without eating a single hot chip for a year and a month, just to see if I could.
8. When I was young I wanted to be a cat.
9. I enjoy zoos and aquariums.
10. I have an inability to keep fish or plants alive for substantial amounts of time.
11. I am an obsessive-impulsive shopper.
12. I have 5 doppelgangers, at last count. Now 6
13. I want to meet them to see if the universe will really implode.
14. My favourite movie is Zoolander.
15. My second favourite movie is Being John Malkovich.
16. I can't stand Thai food.
17. I'm petite (contributed by Li when I couldn't think of any more.)
18. Fire is pretty.
19. I like to draw.
20. I get bored of drawing people by the time I finish the left eye.
21. I have many pictures of eyes lying around.
22. If I can't be a cat, I think it'd rock to be a ninja, spy or pirate. Or vampire (maybe)
23. I have no idea what I'm going to do after I graduate.
24. That's why I'm doing a double degree - to stall.
25. My mum hates arts and crafts.
26. I don't really look like anyone in my family.
27. I'm probably not adopted though.
28. I have a widow's peak.
29. I have a mole on my face (which is how you can tell that I'm the original and not the doppelganger)
30. I like Knitty people more than my real-life SnB.
31. I do everything at the last minute if I think I can get away with it.
32. I'm not fond of man-type humans at the moment but would probably change my mind for someone with dark hair and eyes. [note: that's dark (hair and eyes) not (dark hair) and (eyes)]
33. I wore braces. The elastics are super-good stitch markers.
34. I do ortho-k.
35. Before ortho-k I was happy to walk around semi-blind, recognising friends by their shape and colour.
36. People always say I have an American accent (I don't!)
37. The American lady at SnB said I sound British (so there!)
38. I like crap TV.
39. The things I enjoy the most (arts and crafts, reading, creative writing, foreign languages, the internet, trashy tv, celebrity gossip, eating junk food) will be absolutely useless in helping me to get a job.
40. I'll probably major in accounting.
41. I don't mind repetitive things.
42. I don't mind repetitive things.
43. My ring size is H or I.
I can't believe it's so hard to come up with 100 things about myself. More to come later!
1. I knit more than I sleep.
2. I was born in Australia...
3. ... but go to M'sia all the time.
4. If you add up all the time my family's spent there, it's more than a year.
5. I've also been to Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Hong Kong (before it was China), the You Ess (Ell Ay, Vegas, Lake Tahoe), New Zealand, and around Australia (lots of EXCITING! places like Tasmania and Dubbo ;> )
6. I'm growing my hair for Locks of Love. Done!
7. I went without eating a single hot chip for a year and a month, just to see if I could.
8. When I was young I wanted to be a cat.
9. I enjoy zoos and aquariums.
10. I have an inability to keep fish or plants alive for substantial amounts of time.
11. I am an obsessive-impulsive shopper.
12. I have 5 doppelgangers, at last count. Now 6
13. I want to meet them to see if the universe will really implode.
14. My favourite movie is Zoolander.
15. My second favourite movie is Being John Malkovich.
16. I can't stand Thai food.
17. I'm petite (contributed by Li when I couldn't think of any more.)
18. Fire is pretty.
19. I like to draw.
20. I get bored of drawing people by the time I finish the left eye.
21. I have many pictures of eyes lying around.
22. If I can't be a cat, I think it'd rock to be a ninja, spy or pirate. Or vampire (maybe)
23. I have no idea what I'm going to do after I graduate.
24. That's why I'm doing a double degree - to stall.
25. My mum hates arts and crafts.
26. I don't really look like anyone in my family.
27. I'm probably not adopted though.
28. I have a widow's peak.
29. I have a mole on my face (which is how you can tell that I'm the original and not the doppelganger)
30. I like Knitty people more than my real-life SnB.
31. I do everything at the last minute if I think I can get away with it.
32. I'm not fond of man-type humans at the moment but would probably change my mind for someone with dark hair and eyes. [note: that's dark (hair and eyes) not (dark hair) and (eyes)]
33. I wore braces. The elastics are super-good stitch markers.
34. I do ortho-k.
35. Before ortho-k I was happy to walk around semi-blind, recognising friends by their shape and colour.
36. People always say I have an American accent (I don't!)
37. The American lady at SnB said I sound British (so there!)
38. I like crap TV.
39. The things I enjoy the most (arts and crafts, reading, creative writing, foreign languages, the internet, trashy tv, celebrity gossip, eating junk food) will be absolutely useless in helping me to get a job.
40. I'll probably major in accounting.
41. I don't mind repetitive things.
42. I don't mind repetitive things.
43. My ring size is H or I.
I can't believe it's so hard to come up with 100 things about myself. More to come later!
[knitting talk]
Finished my sock yarn cardigan and am thinking of submitting it for the Winter Knitty, if only I can figure out the sizing in time:
#1: The finished bust measurement is weird. It's 33.75". That's going to look so ugly on the schematic.
#2: I presume people who aren't me have actual shape to their bodies. So do I put in waist shaping or not?
#3: I can't get my head around the idea of a 52" bust, so I'll be madly guessing at proportions.
#4: My gauge is 27.5 sts/4 inches, which is really really bad for trying to work things out. I might just up it to 28 sts and tinker a bit with the numbers.
#5: I started from XXS (me), and am doing sizes in increments of 2" up to XXXXXL (48"). That's 9 more sets of numbers to work out by the end of the week.
#6: I don't want people who are XXXXXL to feel bad because of all the Xs. But I'm not going to call myself XXXS either. If I have time, I'll think of some cool euphemisms.
[/knitting talk]
The Sarah Blasko concert on Friday was good! But why does she always come out late? When she's late, then I have to leave before the end so that I'm not walking through scary Redfern at midnight.
Soph and I ate at the Peasant's Feast (or was the the Pheasant's Feast?). Everything there was organic. It was decent, but not the flavour explosion their business card promises
[Note to self: go to Oscillate Wildly]
I love the Suits (partly because I got a FREE! badge)! If anyone wants to borrow the CD I bought, you may!
OH. And Cityrail's new timetable is CRAP. As IF trains can be 15 mins late when it's midnight and they only come every half an hour anyway.
It's confirmed that we're going to M'sia again at the end of the year. We were going to skip a year, but my grandmother's throat cancer is getting really bad. So we're going back just in case...
And I really thought we were definitely going to take a side trip to China this time (after we didn't go last year), but my aunt Sally said: "I've already been to China, so if you go I won't go with you. Let's go to Egypt instead."
At first I asked Mum "Aren't you afraid of getting shot?" but after watching the news that night and learning about people being robbed at knifepoint at Mortdale, I realised that we can be shot ANYWHERE. So we're _probably_ going to Egypt. It's supposed to be the perfect temperature around that time of year, around 20-25 C. I'm getting pumped about it now. (I think it'll be like a cross between Bali and Cambodia, but we'll see!)
Finished my sock yarn cardigan and am thinking of submitting it for the Winter Knitty, if only I can figure out the sizing in time:
#1: The finished bust measurement is weird. It's 33.75". That's going to look so ugly on the schematic.
#2: I presume people who aren't me have actual shape to their bodies. So do I put in waist shaping or not?
#3: I can't get my head around the idea of a 52" bust, so I'll be madly guessing at proportions.
#4: My gauge is 27.5 sts/4 inches, which is really really bad for trying to work things out. I might just up it to 28 sts and tinker a bit with the numbers.
#5: I started from XXS (me), and am doing sizes in increments of 2" up to XXXXXL (48"). That's 9 more sets of numbers to work out by the end of the week.
#6: I don't want people who are XXXXXL to feel bad because of all the Xs. But I'm not going to call myself XXXS either. If I have time, I'll think of some cool euphemisms.
[/knitting talk]
The Sarah Blasko concert on Friday was good! But why does she always come out late? When she's late, then I have to leave before the end so that I'm not walking through scary Redfern at midnight.
Soph and I ate at the Peasant's Feast (or was the the Pheasant's Feast?). Everything there was organic. It was decent, but not the flavour explosion their business card promises
[Note to self: go to Oscillate Wildly]
I love the Suits (partly because I got a FREE! badge)! If anyone wants to borrow the CD I bought, you may!
OH. And Cityrail's new timetable is CRAP. As IF trains can be 15 mins late when it's midnight and they only come every half an hour anyway.
It's confirmed that we're going to M'sia again at the end of the year. We were going to skip a year, but my grandmother's throat cancer is getting really bad. So we're going back just in case...
And I really thought we were definitely going to take a side trip to China this time (after we didn't go last year), but my aunt Sally said: "I've already been to China, so if you go I won't go with you. Let's go to Egypt instead."
At first I asked Mum "Aren't you afraid of getting shot?" but after watching the news that night and learning about people being robbed at knifepoint at Mortdale, I realised that we can be shot ANYWHERE. So we're _probably_ going to Egypt. It's supposed to be the perfect temperature around that time of year, around 20-25 C. I'm getting pumped about it now. (I think it'll be like a cross between Bali and Cambodia, but we'll see!)
Thursday, September 08, 2005

Wheee! Look what I got Monday morning.
From left to right: (sorta)
Sock yarn, fat balls of mohair, Burt's Bees (lip balm, facial cleanser and hand creme), a glow-in-the-dark sheep, a definitely inedible clover, and Kool Aid. The blue one is "Magique! Couleur secrete! Saveur secrete!"
The Burt's Bees products smell fantastic! I especially like the lemon poppyseed -- it makes me hungry. That reminds me, there were also some Lindt balls in the package but now they are um, gone.
My project for Summer is going to be "make your own Noro", once I find where I put all my pastel wool. I can picture the bag, with the wool inside, but I can't find it. Mum won't let me drink any more Kool Aid because she thinks it'll give me cancer (*rolls eyes*) so I'll use it for dyeing like I always intended.
I've got big plans for the mohair as well. I saw an extra-lacy jumper pattern that used about the same amount, so I'm putting that on the list of things to do.
Also got another two packages on Monday -- pink mohair and stitch markers from my swap with Jacquiebean, and Tootsie Rolls from Maryann (Marymac). Maryann's package had been opened by customs and there was a big yellow sticker saying "opened for quarantine inspection by Australia Post." Damn your hide to Hades, Australia Post!
Saw Charlie and the Chocolate factory yesterday, and I'm still not sure if I liked it. It was creepy. The bits without Johnny Depp were alright though.
Friday, September 02, 2005
I think today's a good day to defy authority.
This morning at Central, instead of putting my travelpass into the ticket machine I just walked past it, because no one was there to see. (Hah! Take THAT, Pavlov)
And now I'm meant to be doing something something about statistics, but I'm not because the tutor just marks our names off and never checks to see if we've done the work.
I was also thinking a lot about toe socks today. I think that people with long toes probably can't wear normal toe socks because they'd stretch the toes out, and then they'd wear out faster and there wouldn't be much of a point.
I started designing a sock yarn cardigan. It will be super cool, if it ever gets done. There's a sort of shoulder that I see on machine knits everywhere, like a variation of a set-in sleeve. It has no shoulder slope on the front. On the back it has slopes starting about 2.5 inches from the top. The sleeve cap looks asymmetrical. I'm still looking at what sort of sleeve to use, but [crazy sleeve described above] looks like a winner. It looks like it'd fit well, plus I want to figure it out because I like showing off like that.
My gargoyle hasn't been fired yet :( I want to paint it. I had a go at the wheel yesterday, and it's really difficult. Edmond seems to be getting the hang of it, so I'm going to try harder next week. If he beats me, I'll just die ;)
SP5 officially starts today, so I'm sending my pal a card. Meant to do it yesterday but couldn't figure out how to mount cross stitch into a card. (Answer: sticky tape)
So off it goes, all the way to [censored]
This morning at Central, instead of putting my travelpass into the ticket machine I just walked past it, because no one was there to see. (Hah! Take THAT, Pavlov)
And now I'm meant to be doing something something about statistics, but I'm not because the tutor just marks our names off and never checks to see if we've done the work.
I was also thinking a lot about toe socks today. I think that people with long toes probably can't wear normal toe socks because they'd stretch the toes out, and then they'd wear out faster and there wouldn't be much of a point.
I started designing a sock yarn cardigan. It will be super cool, if it ever gets done. There's a sort of shoulder that I see on machine knits everywhere, like a variation of a set-in sleeve. It has no shoulder slope on the front. On the back it has slopes starting about 2.5 inches from the top. The sleeve cap looks asymmetrical. I'm still looking at what sort of sleeve to use, but [crazy sleeve described above] looks like a winner. It looks like it'd fit well, plus I want to figure it out because I like showing off like that.
My gargoyle hasn't been fired yet :( I want to paint it. I had a go at the wheel yesterday, and it's really difficult. Edmond seems to be getting the hang of it, so I'm going to try harder next week. If he beats me, I'll just die ;)
SP5 officially starts today, so I'm sending my pal a card. Meant to do it yesterday but couldn't figure out how to mount cross stitch into a card. (Answer: sticky tape)
So off it goes, all the way to [censored]